All the latest news on the Cyber EPQ

Qufaro to talk at Cyber First 2021 Summer Programme

Throughout July and August Qufaro will be virtually talking at Cyber First Summer Programme Sessions. All Cyber First participants will be able to take advantage of attending our sessions and find out more about the different cyber courses Qufaro offers.

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Deloitte Virtual Day of Cyber Learning, May 2021

The day kicked off with Ivana Bartoletti, Technical Director, and author of An Artificial Revolution: On Power, Politics and AI talking about AI and the ethical affects that it can have on society. Followed by more of the Deloitte Cyber team talking about their experiences and roles. The speakers pathways into cyber were varied from ex-military to those who joined as school leavers, members of the summer vacation scheme, graduates as well as from outside the UK.

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Wall of Fame 2020

In 2020, due to the impact of COVID19, the Wall of Fame was introduced to celebrate the achievements of our CyberEPQ Graduates' hard work, commitment and dedication to cyber. Ordinarily, the students would have been congratulated on their successes at our physical Graduation Ceremony at Bletchley Park. In honour of our Graduates, please have a look here and on our Social Media pages.

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Qufaro’s First Virtual Graduation Ceremony

Despite the restrictions of COVID19, this year’s Graduates celebrated their success with Qufaro’s CyberEPQ virtual Graduation Ceremony. The Graduation event is one that Qufaro, our supervisors and teachers look forward to and one that acknowledges and celebrates the hard work and outstanding achievements of our Graduates after their CyberEPQ studies which is most deserved.

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Strengthening Cyber Career Paths: Qufaro CyberEPQ Mentoring Scheme and STEM Ambassadors

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Mentoring Scheme to all Alumni members. The scheme has been set up to build on the CyberEPQ foundations by providing the next guiding steps in the Cyber Security world of work, apprenticeships, or further education. To broaden the Alumni experience, Qufaro has extended membership to current learners as well as graduates.

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Over 85.5% of 2019-20 CyberEPQ Students Achieve a Grade B or Higher.

Congratulations to Qufaro’s fourth cohort of CyberEPQ Graduates. We have even more to celebrate this year with another substantial increase in our students gaining such outstanding grades. Last year we were proud to announce that over 50% were awarded a grade B or higher, but this year our dedicated students and supervisors have taken us by surprise with over 85% achieving the same grades.

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Are you a Sleuth?

A Sleuth’s main role is to perform digital forensics analysis. The process of cyber attribution is crucial in identifying who and what is responsible for a breach. During Cyber attribution a collection of evidence, the building of timelines, and trying to piece together evidence in the wake of a …

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Are you a Scientist?

In war, there are always two sides: the attackers and the defenders. A less focused on group is the researchers and developers. While soldiers are fighting a war on the front lines, scientists and engineers are researching and developing new weapons, defences and tools; things that give their side …

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Are you an (Ethical) Hacker?

Cyber security is a growing industry as more and more businesses are waking up to the reality of their responsibility to ensure that their clients’ information is kept safe and secure. To be a successful ethical hacker requires you to be able to think like one. It is the role of the ethical hacker …

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Are you a Firefighter?

A firefighter would be working in the Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). Any company with an online presence makes it a vulnerable global target to cyber threats with a challenging cyber-attack landscape pursued by an intelligent and evolving enemy. Incident response (IR) is a …

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